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  • Writer's pictureJill Zambon

Life's Curveballs: Finding Hope in Overwhelming Moments

It's been a week.

And it's only Wednesday.

At the beginning of the year, I decided to start digging myself out of debt. I started with getting rid of my car payment by selling my car (Lexus) and buying a used car (VW). I used the equity from my Lexus to buy the VW, and got rid of my $450+ per month car payment.

Things were great. For about 1 month.

Then, things started to go down hill.

First it started with smaller issues, then thousand-dollar issues, then unsolvable issues.

Things came to a head when, on the way to drop my daughter off at school, the car stalled at a 4-way intersection in the middle of one of the busiest parts of town-- during 'rush hour' traffic.

As my daughter tried to hide on the floor so none of her friends would see her, I tried to stay calm and figure out what to do.

I called the first tow place, who said they couldn't get me. I called the second one, and they said they'd be right over.

Just then, a mom from school stopped and asked if she wanted Jayde to go with her. I said YES!

As I sat in my car, in the middle of the road, with people honking and yelling behind me, I thought, "How did I try to do the right thing, but it ends up causing so many other issues?"

And, I'd really like to say this was abnormal for me, but it's not.

Just the weekend before, I had planned a camping trip to a place about 3 hours from our home, so Jayde could see her dad and his new baby.

Needless to say, she spent most of the weekend puking, and we cut the trip short.

So, here I sit, on a Thursday afternoon (yep, I said Wednesday earlier in this...I don't even know what day it is anymore). I am broken. I am exhausted. And I am trying to figure out where to hand in my resignation and get a new life. (Kidding!)

But, as I reflect on the past, and moments in the past where I've felt absolutely like I do right now... I'm reminded that is when the best things tend to happen.

So, if you're reading this, and wondering HOW you can be trying to do all the right things, but life is still throwing curveballs at you, I want you to make a list (yes, seriously get out a piece of paper and write a list!) of all the times life seemed overwhelming and then how you came out the other side of it.

Look at this list over and over as evidence that good things DO come from bad situations.

Until next time!



P.S. If this story resonated with you, and you want to hear the full sermon about WHY You're Being Tested, check it out on my YouTube channel here:

And, if you can, donate towards my ministry so I can go out and do good things in the world!

Don't forget to find me on Facebook:

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